Christmas Delight Rose Bouquet
Christmas Delight Rose Bouquet
Celebrate the season with the Christmas Delight Rose Bouquet from GK FLOWERS. This elegant arrangement features vibrant red and white roses, fresh evergreen branches, pinecones, red berries, and a festive Christmas teddy bear. Accented with a sparkling golden butterfly and Christmas stickers, it’s wrapped in luxurious red and green paper with golden lettering. A perfect way to bring holiday joy and love to your home or gift to loved ones.
Size: Approx. 24 x 20 inches
- Premium Fresh Roses: Vibrant red and white roses, carefully selected for beauty and freshness
- Festive Elegance: Accents of pinecones, berries, and a Christmas teddy bear for a joyful, seasonal touch
- Timeless Design: Wrapped in luxurious red and green paper with golden Christmas lettering
Usage: Perfect for gifting or as a decorative centerpiece, this bouquet brings elegance, charm, and festive spirit to any Christmas celebration.
Experience: Make the holiday season unforgettable with the Christmas Delight Rose Bouquet, a stunning gift that spreads warmth, joy, and holiday magic.