Christmas Romance Bouquet
Christmas Romance Bouquet
Make this Christmas unforgettable with the Christmas Romance Bouquet from GK FLOWERS. This exquisite arrangement features red roses, either fresh or handcrafted soap roses, 6 Ferrero Rocher chocolates, sparkling fairy lights, and festive poinsettias, all beautifully arranged in a red box with a green ribbon. Perfect for gifting or adding a romantic touch to your holiday décor, it’s a timeless way to create cherished memories that will last long beyond the season.
- Brand Name: GK FLOWERS
- Box Size: 9.05 x 4.72 inches
- Design: 10 red roses (fresh or soap), 6 Ferrero Rocher chocolates, fairy lights, and poinsettias in a red box with a green ribbon
- Fresh Roses: Handpicked, fresh-cut roses, selected for beauty and fragrance
- Soap Roses: Handcrafted soap roses, eco-friendly and sustainable
- Romantic Elegance: A beautiful blend of roses, chocolates, poinsettias, and lights creates a festive, romantic atmosphere.
- Eco-Friendly: Soap roses crafted from biodegradable materials for an eco-conscious gift.
- Long-Lasting Beauty: Fresh roses offer natural charm, while soap roses provide lasting elegance and no maintenance.
Usage: Perfect for gifting or as a holiday decoration, the Christmas Romance Bouquet adds love, warmth, and a festive touch to your Christmas celebrations.
Experience: Share the magic of Christmas with the Christmas Romance Bouquet. Whether fresh or soap roses, this thoughtful gift creates lasting memories and adds timeless beauty to your holiday season.